OpenFLEX -- The Leading Ebusiness Platform OpenFLEX enables companies to conduct business electronically across corporate networks and over the Internet.
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Insurance Solutions


Pre-built Custom Solution Philosophy

OpenFLEX, Inc clients benefit from a pre-built platform and flexible design that allows the AIMS-I to be custom configured without the costs or compromising delivery time associated with traditional developers. Based on our engineering intellectual property, OpenFLEX, Inc. has designed a true client-server based insurance processing system. Our Pre-Built platform is a fully integrated, customer-centric property and casualty system for the smart insurer. Openflex, Inc. delivers the cost advantages of the "off the shelf" products but provides the openness and flexibility of a custom built design.

Typical "off the shelf" software is designed by people who had an idea of how general systems should work. Since this is not your design for your company, how can you be sure that what worked for someone else will automatically work for your business processes. OpenFLEX, Inc. views each client individually as there is no perfect model and there are no two companies that are alike. Also, these designs do not take into consideration the long-term direction of the buyer. OpenFLEX, Inc. works closely with their clients to custom design a system that is ready to address the changing environment whether it is pre-planned or unexpected. OpenFLEX, Inc. is constantly thinking beyond today and this directly relates to the openness and flexibility of our design. Keep in mind that "off the shelf" software may, or may not; fit your business needs and it cannot be modified without additional costs that may be substantial to the original cost of the product.

Alternatively, "custom designed" software is made specifically to fit your business needs for today and tomorrow. Program modifications can be made at any time to adapt to changing business environments with minimal costs and/or wasted time. Custom programs are the cutting-edge of rapidly changing and growing businesses. These programs frequently enable a company to have advantages over their competitors. Custom programs make things easier for your customers and your employees. Suggestions for improvement made by customers and employees may be easily added by simply modifying the program to work more efficiently for you. Here is something to think about when looking for the product that makes the most sense. Most large Insurance companies have built their own client-server systems because they had the IT experience, resources and most importantly the vision for their future. This vision is incorporated into the design so that they are ready for the changes ahead that are inevitable. "Off the shelf" systems do not have your vision in mind. Our experiences combined with your vision are the ingredients needed for a successful project.

Other custom software advantages include:

  • Minimal labor that is wasted on routine tasks is eliminated as the computer does more for you.
  • Fewer errors are made since the software checks what is typed against known rules.
  • Increased productivity allows each person to accomplish much more work in a shorter time.
  • Training new employees is quick and easy.
  • The software is not filled with a lot of extra clutter "Oh, we don't use that here"

Reasons To Choose OpenFLEX, Inc
Cost VS. Risk
Technology: Enabler VS. Disabler
Superior Support-Dedicated On-Site Philosophy
Do You Have e-Service?
Top 10 Reasons Why To Use openFLEX
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